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For Sale 1988-F250 2 Wheel Dr


Truck is being sold as is and by sealed bid

Sealed bids need to be turned into Clerks office at 100 E. Fast Ave. by 4:00 pm, December 20, 2024

Truck can be seen at 100 E. Fast Ave., Mackinaw, IL 61755

The Village of Mackinaw is selling a 1988 F-250 2wheel drive, 4.9L engine and 40,487 miles. Truck was used as a primary service truck until 2004. Then served as a truck for pulling mowers around daily. Truck has been serviced refularly and many items replaced including but not limited to: radiator, head rebuilt, new water pump, new upper and lower hoses, brakes and new motor mounts. A maintenance log is available upon request.