BlueCard Program
Starting January 2019, the Mackinaw Police Department implemented its new BlueCard Program. Business owners, homeowners, and individuals with vehicles parked in public areas in the village my find a 3x4 blue card left behind by an officer working overnight. This card will let you know which officer checked your property overnight, what time, and if there were any issues, For residences, our officers will be specifically checking and leaving cards at residences on our house watch list and in areas where property crime has recently occurred.
The BlueCard Program will encompass existing programs implemented by the Mackinaw Police Department. In addition to the House Watch Program it will also be incorporated into our Property Crime Tracking Program. The BlueCard Program will also serve as a reminder to businesses to update their Business Emergency Call Out sheets with the department.
A new area the BlueCard Program will cover is the implementation of security camera registrations with the Police Department. Beginning last year, we updated out Business Emergency Call Out sheet to allow for businesses to list their security cameras with the Police Department. We want to continue with this by allowing homeowners to register their security cameras with the Police Department as well. This information will be kept private and would be used by the Police Department to conduct follow up investigation in the incident of a crime in the area.

BlueCard Program